solving world problems

equity & social justice in mathematics education

Geometry & Measurement


Students use their knowledge of measuring to explore, compare, make predictions about, and order lengths of familiar objects (crayons & cubes).

Ordering Lengths

Children compare the lengths of three objects and use comparison words such as long, longer, longest to gain comparison skills with middle-sized objects.

Robot Monsters

Students make predictions about the length of robots that are pieced together and work as a team to test predictions by estimating, measuring, and adding lengths.

Shape Up!

Children work together to identify shapes by name and then piece them together to create a larger shape.

Sizing Them Up

Students explore ways to sort shapes based on their attributes in order to define and compare shapes based on number of sides and vertices, and area.

Build That Structure!

Students look at 2D representations of 3D structures and predict which ones will stand based on their knowledge of the properties of 3D shapes. Then they work as a group to test their predictions.

Area & Volume

Students work with rectangular prisms of different dimensions in order to explore the relationship between area and volume.

Building Block Towers

Students build a tower with the greatest possible volume given a set of guidelines.


Students explore the properties of rectangles, squares, rhombi, and trapezoids and create problems that highlight the properties of each quadrilateral for their classmates to solve.

Centers of Triangles

Students explores centers of triangles (incenter, circumcenter, orthocenter & centroid) using Geogebra. Then, they use the properties of points of concurrency to decide where to place a clean water source or a factory that produces water filters for a community that has limited access to clean drinking water.

π Investigation

Students measure and compare the diameter and circumference for a variety of circles. By looking across various comparison, they come to realize that π – the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter – is always constant, regardless of the size of the circle.